Review: Melissa Errico Explores ‘Desire’ in Streaming Concert

Love in the time of cholera this is not. Desire in the age of corona (and dare we say, beyond COVID?): yes, indeed!

Desire as a concept and a framing device for any piece of art always works but in early 2021, it seems particularly timely. How else to describe the yearning every person reading these words feels? Stir crazy for excitement, for concerts, for being in a crowd in a dark night club or boîte. Heck, for simply being outside our home or studio apartment? That’s desire writ large!

Enter into our homes (and devices) an engaging & charming conversation between three artists: Broadway’s Melissa Errico, New Yorker essayist (and lyricist!) Adam Gopnik, and jazz pianist Tedd Firth.

Read the full review at EDGE Media Network