by David Finkle
The versatile, imaginative cabaret performer takes a walk on the wild side
Some time ago when performers—usually women—sensationally debuted on Broadway, they were acclaimed the following morning as “the toast of the town.” For its first several years The Ed Sullivan Show was even known as Toast of the Town. But now, maybe because we live in more parlous times, the phrase has fallen into disuse. Nonetheless, there’s no good reason not to revive it.
One of the last hearty Manhattan toasts raised was in salute to Melissa Errico. She’d wowed ’em not that very long ago in the Encores! series One Touch of Venus revival. A smart, talented and unquestionably luxurious performer, she has continued to deserve gallant toasts ever since, while concentrating on cabaret turns. Why musicals haven’t been written for her remains a mystery.