Column: The Purist

It was green with white lines from the very beginning. Just over 20 years ago, I set foot in the world of professional tennis. I was 25 years old and had been set up to meet Patrick McEnroe, a boy I had grown up with and had known since I was 4. From the evening […]

Column: The Purist

All over the world, people take time off. Thousands of people right this minute are either upside down on mats on yoga retreats or upside down under tables in Napa Valley. I have a tendency to spot where pleasure can go, but not make room for it, to say “I love going to hear live […]

The Clyde Fitch Report: Singing Sondheim in the Age of Donald Trump

“I’m going to undertake a Sondheim show.” The first thing you notice when you announce that is how many opinions your friends and colleagues and fans have about his music. “What are you singing that’s rare?” you hear, as well as “Do you know this song that was cut from…?,” and all that sort of […]

Column: The Purist

Spring cleaning makes me think of my messy makeup drawers, or all the size 4 dresses that are sitting there and probably never going to fit again. Time to clean a little, make space for the new. Important no doubt, but an experience with my 9-year old and her teacher rises to the top and […]

Column: The New York Times

Broadway people spend most of their lives as people not on Broadway. A minority of actors make it to New York’s biggest stage, and a further minority of those who do are there now. One need only to have starred in a Broadway musical a year (or 20 years) ago to be billed as a […]

Column: NYMetro Parents

How I juggled motherhood with a dream role in a special musical. My kids regularly see me get ready for auditions, dressing up like a lawyer or the Queen of England, only to come home later and say I might not have gotten the job. We laugh. It’s Mommy’s life. They have learned that actors […]

Column: The New York Times

The ingénue police are at my door. Is this Melissa Errico? The actress? Do you understand that Sharon in “Finian’s Rainbow” should be around 27 years old? Would you please come with us? Then I wake up. Sleeping actors are known to forget their lines, or what play they are in, or where their pants […]

Column: The Huffington Post

Melissa journaled her experience as part of the group of Broadway alums who came together to perform “What the World Needs Now” at the 2016 Democratic National Convention. Saturday, July 16th          It was the very middle day of July this summer, I got an email inviting me to join a group of Broadway performers […]

Column: Beach Magazine

Melissa penned an article in the current issue of Beach magazine (a Modern Luxury publication) discussing something we’ve all wondered – what’s it like filming a “mature’ scene for a cable television program? (And how it’s different than theatre.) Read the full article: Page 1 Page 2 Page 3